Past Employment Experiences
Todd Kellogg @ Positive Family Behavior-Family Therapist ConsultantProvided a wide arrange of Systemic, Cognitive, and Psycho-Educational Counseling and Therapy services for individuals, couples, families. Provided assessment of challenging behaviors in a variety of settings and contexts. Developed, trained and assisted in the implementation of functional behavioral support plans for home/school settings. Developed teaching strategies for teaching new skills. Family and Children’s Aid-TherapistProvided clinical therapeutic services on a wide range of themes to children and families in a busy child guidance clinic. Coordinated services with DCF and the Danbury Court System as well as area schools. Processed and filed all necessary clinical paperwork including insurance forms. Collaborated with a clinical team through weekly clinical meetings.Danbury Youth Services-TherapistProvided therapy services to a diverse population of individuals, couples and families with issues related to school performance, substance abuse, eating disorders, intimate and family relationships, anger management and sexuality.Sweet Pea, Inc. -OwnerResponsible for the overall design, implementation and oversight of a quality childcare facility serving infant, toddler, preschool and school age children. Responsible for hiring and supervision of staff and clinical consultants, developing polices, interacting with families, marketing, financial records, quality assurance, and maintaining regulatory standards. Responsible for the development of comprehensive lesson plans, teaching strategies, behavioral strategies, and assessment of individual progress reports. ARI, Inc.-Residential Coordinator Responsible for overseeing the day-to-day administrative and clinical components of an Intermediate Care Facility for adults with developmental disabilities. Served as QMRP with an extensive knowledge of ICF/MR regulations. Ensured sound regulatory compliance. Hired, in-serviced, and supervised twenty full and part time staff members. Wrote behavior modification plans as well as education and adaptive living skill goals.